Speed & Red-Light Camera Locations in Chicago

Michael Meredith
2 min readOct 20, 2020


Chicago is a big city with plenty of streets. And with plenty of streets, that means there’ll be plenty of speed cameras and red-light cameras posted around the city to encourage drivers to drive safely.

Below this paragraph lies an interactive map that pinpoints all of the locations of every speed and red-light camera in Chicago. On the map, the city is divided into its community areas (by color), which are very similar to Chicago’s neighborhoods.

The interactive map can alternatively be viewed here, and the speed and red light camera data can be viewed here and here.

Based on the interactive map above, there are 161 speed cameras and 149 red-light cameras in Chicago, making a total of 310 traffic cameras scattered around the city.

Each pinpoint on the map marks the intersection at which each traffic camera is located.

On the City of Chicago’s website, it asserts that red-light cameras are designed to reduce crashes at intersections. In addition, these cameras have been added to intersections based on crash frequency/severity.

Based on the map, one thing that one may immediately notice is that there is a much higher concentration of red-light cameras in the Northside of Chicago than there are on the Southside. For example, Belmont Cragin is one community area in the Northside that has eight red-light cameras and six speed cameras, making a total of 14 cameras.

There are, however, some community areas that have no traffic cameras at all, such as Chinatown, Clearing, and Grand Boulevard.

Also, there are individual streets that have a high concentration of traffic cameras, which include Pulaski on the Northside, Cicero on the Northside, and Irving Park Rd.

Interestingly, at the intersection of W 55th St and Pulaski, there are four speed cameras and one red-light camera, which indicates that one may want to be drive cautiously when passing through this intersection.

Based on the interactive map, one should be fairly cautious while driving around Chicago, especially around the Northside. In Chicago, red-light camera tickets are at least $100; thus, one should drive safely to avoid having to pay those pricey tickets, and to avoid deadly crashes.



Michael Meredith

Student studying Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago.